Thursday, March 08, 2007

Audio Biblegateway!!!

Everyone knows you can read the Bible on Biblegateway, but did you know you can listen too? Neither did I, until I accidentally clicked my way there the other week. I started listening to the book of Acts and ended up listening to the whole thing over the course of about a week. I had a bit of a lull in my reading lately and this was just the thing to get me going. With work, school, house, and other stuff going on, every time I sit down to read I feel like little fires are springing up all over the place. My computer is near the kitchen so I cranked it up and listened while cleaning house, doing dishes, preparing meals, etc and sometimes cranked out a couple chapters while having lunch. I could have gotten through the whole book in a couple days I think this way, but I listened to some chapters two or three times to make sure I got it because sometimes I'd forget to listen if I was doing something else. But it was pretty exciting to get through a significant portion of scripture in such a short time... its been a while. Not that it was that much, but it was just incredible how quickly a chapter flew that way. I highly recommend adding it to your routine! Here's the link:

Free Audio Bible!

The excitement of it has gotten my reading back in the groove again too. I should have bought the bible on CD/tape/mp3/whatever a long time ago. Think I will soon.


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